Who is the target user? It means a lot.

Yuan Chen
2 min readNov 24, 2020


Source: Unsplash

I’ve talked to some freelancers, trying to rank their pain points:

  • Working as a full-time freelancer makes people develop a feeling of instability, financially and mentally.
  • They feel isolated from society.
  • Freelancers need help drafting contracts and setting rates.
  • They also need better health insurance plans.

It turns out that the priority changes based on how long they have been a freelancer. If a person just got his/her first project, the priority will be to draft contracts and setting rates. After a while, freelancers usually have learned all the paperwork and PM skills (in a hard way, though). They need help to reach their dream projects and get a stable income.

There are several potential solutions:

Build an online platform for freelancers to reach/ be reached by their ideal companies/projects.

Build an AR platform/web browser extension for freelancers to reach/ be reached by their ideal companies/projects easier.

A Learning Center for freelancers to take courses/play games to learn how to deal with tax, health, insurance…

An app for freelancers to team up and accomplish projects/tasks together.

Next step, I will …

  1. Talk to companies and recruiters to figure out how they actually look for talents.
  2. Chat with more freelancers, see which solution solves their pain points the most.



Yuan Chen

MFA IXD Student @svaixd . Interaction Designer | Writer Locations: SH | CHI | NYC